I work in a healthy professional environment.
Work categoryChoose your answer
Yes, I absolutely love my workplace
Courtesy and respect Discipline Fairness Professionally dressed colleagues Deliver quality workHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerIt's good and I have no complaints
Courtesy and respect Discipline Fairness Professionally dressed colleagues Deliver quality workHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerThere isn't much professionalism here
Courtesy and respect Discipline Fairness Professionally dressed colleagues Deliver quality workHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerNo, the work environment is quite toxic
Courtesy and respect Discipline Fairness Professionally dressed colleagues Deliver quality workHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I enjoy working with my team mates.
Work categoryChoose your answer
Yes, they're a great bunch!
Helpful and understanding Mutual learning Team work and strive towards common goals FunHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMost of them are fun
Helpful and understanding Mutual learning Team work and strive towards common goals FunHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerThey get quite boring
Helpful and understanding Mutual learning Team work and strive towards common goals FunHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI don't like them
Helpful and understanding Mutual learning Team work and strive towards common goals FunHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I see a clear linkage between my KRAs and the program / function goals.
Work categoryChoose your answer
Yes, they're crystal clear.
Understanding & clarity of goals Objective reviews of my goals Continuous communication and updates on client/program/functionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI understand most of them
Understanding & clarity of goals Objective reviews of my goals Continuous communication and updates on client/program/functionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerThey're bit hard to understand
Understanding & clarity of goals Objective reviews of my goals Continuous communication and updates on client/program/functionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI'm completely lost
Understanding & clarity of goals Objective reviews of my goals Continuous communication and updates on client/program/functionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
My supervisor cares for me as an individual
Supervisor categoryChoose your answer
Encouragement of ideas & suggestions Courtesy and respect Empowerment Approachable and open for feedback Personal attentionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMostly
Encouragement of ideas & suggestions Courtesy and respect Empowerment Approachable and open for feedback Personal attentionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerRarely
Encouragement of ideas & suggestions Courtesy and respect Empowerment Approachable and open for feedback Personal attentionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerNo
Encouragement of ideas & suggestions Courtesy and respect Empowerment Approachable and open for feedback Personal attentionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
My Supervisor is an effective and impactful leader
Supervisor categoryChoose your answer
Energizes & inspires me to be my best Helps me achieve my deliverables and incentives Leads by example Recognizes efforts Shares knowledge Stands by team Guidance & direction TrustHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMostly
Energizes & inspires me to be my best Helps me achieve my deliverables and incentives Leads by example Recognizes efforts Shares knowledge Stands by team Guidance & direction TrustHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerRarely
Energizes & inspires me to be my best Helps me achieve my deliverables and incentives Leads by example Recognizes efforts Shares knowledge Stands by team Guidance & direction TrustHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerNo
Energizes & inspires me to be my best Helps me achieve my deliverables and incentives Leads by example Recognizes efforts Shares knowledge Stands by team Guidance & direction TrustHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I am given constructive feedback at work
Supervisor categoryChoose your answer
Supervisor aware of my strengths & opportunities Timely & specific feedback Helps me when my works needs improvement Quality monitoring Regular team huddlesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMostly
Supervisor aware of my strengths & opportunities Timely & specific feedback Helps me when my works needs improvement Quality monitoring Regular team huddlesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerRarely
Supervisor unaware of my strengths & opportunities Timely & specific feedback Helps me when my works needs improvement Quality monitoring Regular team huddlesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerNo
Supervisor unaware of my strengths & opportunities Timely & specific feedback Helps me when my works needs improvement Quality monitoring Regular team huddlesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I know and get to interact with the senior leadership in my program/function
Leadership categoryChoose your answer
Yes, it always helps me perform better
Time-to-time email updates Town halls & open-house sessions Floor walks and program level meetings/reviews Effective esacalation point Approachable and open for feedbackHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMost times I find the feedback useful
Time-to-time email updates Town halls & open-house sessions Floor walks and program level meetings/reviews Effective esacalation point Approachable and open for feedbackHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerVery rarely does it add value to my work
Time-to-time email updates Town halls & open-house sessions Floor walks and program level meetings/reviews Effective esacalation point Approachable and open for feedbackHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerIt never helps me do a better job
Time-to-time email updates Town halls & open-house sessions Floor walks and program level meetings/reviews Effective esacalation point Approachable and open for feedbackHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I relate to the Values of [24]7 - Respect, Transparency, Ownership, Teamwork, Result Orientation
Values categoryChoose your answer
Yes, they resonate with me perfectly
I have a fair understanding of what they mean
I have come across these values
I don't understand what these values mean
I am recognized and rewarded when I perform well
Recognition categoryChoose your answer
Yes, it drives me to perform well everyday
Appreciation on the floor Timely and consistent RnR Handpicked to work on special projects/assignments Platform to demonstrate good work doneHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMost times, I've been recognised for good work
Appreciation on the floor Timely and consistent RnR Handpicked to work on special projects/assignments Platform to demonstrate good work doneHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI haven't had too much recognition come my way
Appreciation on the floor Timely and consistent RnR Handpicked to work on special projects/assignments Platform to demonstrate good work doneHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI've never even gotten a thumbs up during my tenure
Appreciation on the floor Timely and consistent RnR Handpicked to work on special projects/assignments Platform to demonstrate good work doneHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I know that I can grow at [24]7
Growth categoryChoose your answer
Yes, I see a bright future for myself here
Aware of clear promotion path Lateral opportunities(IJP) in other programs/functions Entrustment of additional roles/responsibilities Career success stories at [24]7Help us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI see myself being here for the near future
Aware of clear promotion path Lateral opportunities(IJP) in other programs/functions Entrustment of additional roles/responsibilities Career success stories at [24]7Help us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI'm not sure, I am taking it one day at a time
Aware of clear promotion path Lateral opportunities(IJP) in other programs/functions Entrustment of additional roles/responsibilities Career success stories at [24]7Help us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerNo, I don't see too many growth opportunities
Aware of clear promotion path Lateral opportunities(IJP) in other programs/functions Entrustment of additional roles/responsibilities Career success stories at [24]7Help us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I am given enough learning opportunities to help me grow
Growth categoryChoose your answer
More than enough, I learn something new here everyday
Provides help when my works needs improvement OD training sessions Program/domain specific trainings Mentoring/coaching sessions Product and serviceG updatesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerThere are enough learning opportunities
Provides help when my works needs improvement OD training sessions Program/domain specific trainings Mentoring/coaching sessions Product and service updatesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerNot as much as I'd like
Provides help when my works needs improvement OD training sessions Program/domain specific trainings Mentoring/coaching sessions Product and service updatesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerNo, it's always about completing day-to-day tasks
OD training sessions Program/domain specific trainings Mentoring/coaching sessions Product and service updatesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
[24]7, as an Organization provides me with innovative and good benefits
Benefits categoryChoose your answer
Yes, I love the benefits that are provided
Gift of time Self to work Skill enhancement leave Special occasion leave Ace-pro policy Cashless mediclaim ECOP Referral programs In-house medical facilities Gym Library Sports arena Other benefitsHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI am fairly happy with the benefits
Gift of time Self to work Skill enhancement leave Special occasion leave Ace-pro policy Cashless mediclaim ECOP Referral programs In-house medical facilities Gym Library Sports arena Other benefitsHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerThey're ok. Wouldn't use 'innovative' & 'good' to describe them
In-house medical facilities Gym Library Sports arena Mediclaim Overall policies and benefitsHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerNo, are you kidding me?
In-house medical facilities Gym Library Sports arena Mediclaim Overall policies and benefitsHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
My Concerns and issues are addressed to my satisfaction and on time
Support categoryChoose your answer
Yes, any issues till date have been resolved promptly
Effective listening Validation of all facts/aspects Fairness in resolutionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMore often than not, I get a quick resolution
Effective listening Validation of all facts/aspects Fairness in resolutionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerA quick & satisfactory solution is quite rare
Effective listening Validation of all facts/aspects Fairness in resolutionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMy concerns & issues never get resolved
Effective listening Validation of all facts/aspects Fairness in resolutionHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I get enough communication on what's happening in my program/function/company
Communication categoryChoose your answer
Yes, I am always informed
Regular updates on program/function/company Client updates by supervisor/HOPs Town halls & open-House sessions Newsletters/emails on org-wide events Updates on LCD screens Regular team huddlesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerMost times, I am aware of what's happening
Regular updates on program/function/company Client updates by supervisor/HOPs Town halls & open-House sessions Newsletters/emails on org-wide events Updates on LCD screens Regular team huddlesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI get some emails once in a while
Regular updates on program/function/company Client updates by supervisor/HOPs Town halls & open-House sessions Newsletters/emails on org-wide events Updates on LCD screens Regular team huddlesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerI've never gotten any such communication
Regular updates on program/function/company Client updates by supervisor/HOPs Town halls & open-House sessions Newsletters/emails on org-wide events Updates on LCD screens Regular team huddlesHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I like and look forward to coming to work every day
Engagement categoryChoose your answer
Yes, I have always had their supoort
Quality of work Team mates Learning & growth opportunities Work environment Supervisor Senior leadership Rewards and recognition Infrastructure & facilities Policies & benefits TransportHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerThey're there for me most of the time
Quality of work Team mates Learning & growth opportunities Work environment Supervisor Senior leadership Rewards and recognition Infrastructure & facilities Policies & benefits TransportHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerThey aren't very concerned with my feelings
Quality of work Team mates Learning & growth opportunities Work environment Supervisor Senior leadership Rewards and recognition Infrastructure & facilities Policies & benefits TransportHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answerThey're very insensitive to me
Quality of work Team mates Learning & growth opportunities Work environment Supervisor Senior leadership Rewards and recognition Infrastructure & facilities Policies & benefits TransportHelp us out by selecting atleast one option Change answer -
I will like it if my family/friends want to join [24]7
Engagement categoryChoose your answer
Yes, I'd whole-heartedly recommend [24]7 to them
I wouldn't mind. It's their decision in the end
I'm not really sure if I'd want them to join
No, I wouldn't recommend [24]7 to them
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